We all know it will come, we somewhat know what to expect, we just don't know when to expect it.
I am speaking of course, of the impending zombie apocalypse.

For a while now, I have been analyzing the preparedness of the Utah Valley for the coming infection that will ravage our landscapes, raze our cities, turn us against one another, and bring humanity to the brink of extinction. And I am pleased to say, that I believe our chances of survival in the Valley are high.
When you look at the evidence, you will see what I mean. The mountains of the valley that surround us create a natural barrier from any army of the undead that may seek to consume our flesh. All we would have to do in the valley to remain relatively safely protected from the hoards of infected in the outside world is to seal off a few highways leading into the valley, building walls on them that the zombies couldn't penetrate.
Another thing absolutely necessary for the survival of a community during a zombie apocalypse is a fresh water supply. Here in the Utah Valley, we have a basically unlimited supply of water from Utah Lake and snow runoff, further increasing our chances of survival.

Non-perishable food is also in abundance in the valley due to the food storage of thousands of individuals. There is enough food storage in the Utah Valley to allow us to survive for years, and thats without taking into account the food that we can produce from the land or forage.
Firearms are also quite abundant in the valley as well when compared to other cities and communities. Utah has much more lax gun control laws than states such as New York, Illinois, and California, and as such, we have a much better chance at fighting off zombies within and outside our defensive perimeter.
Another thing the Utah Valley has going for it is something that people complain quite a bit about around here. The cold. Because zombies have no blood flowing through their body, the only way they can keep their decaying bodies warm enough to function is from the heat of the sun, and by consuming the flesh of the living. At 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the liquid in the bodies of the undead begin to freeze, and the zombie freezes with it. Since temperatures during winter in the Utah Valley drop far below 32 degrees, and the sun isn't out long enough for zombies to maintain their core body temperature through natural means, all that the inhabitants of the Valley would have to do to freeze the zombies is cut them off from their food source, humans. Once the zombies have dropped and are covered under a thick sheet of snow and ice for the winter, the survivors will be free to leave the valley and search for new resources and materials until spring, when the zombies will thaw and reanimate to once again hunt for food.

As you can see, the Utah Valley has all the resources and protection necessary for survival of a very large community, however, it remains to be seen how the inhabitants will react to the apocalypse when it occurs. The most important period of a undead invasion occurs within the first 24 hours of it starting. We living in the Utah Valley may have the ability to survive independently for years during an apocalypse, but if poor decisions are made during the first 24 hours of the infection becoming known to us, we stand no chance against the armies of the undead. For example, if our leaders hear rumors of strange occurrences around the globe and just write them off as hoaxes and refuse to take preparatory action, we can pretty much kiss our survival goodbye. But if at the moment we hear of this epidemic of epic proportions, we immediately take action, sealing all roads in and out of the valley, quarantining Salt Lake International Airport, and only allowing refugees into the valley after a thorough screening for wounds and bite marks, we have a high chance of surviving this catastrophe. Once our defenses are erected, we will only have to contain the outbreak within our own walls, which should be simple enough with the weapons at our disposal.
After the necessary steps have been taken, the largest threat that the survivors will have to face is not from the undead, but from themselves. With the American government in tatters, there will be no one left to govern the Utah Valley. The fate of the survivors will largely depend on their ability to work together and govern themselves. No one can predict how this will play out, whether we will be able to establish our own government to fit our new needs, or if competing factions will take advantage of the chaos to gain power and we will be plunged into civil war within our own defenses. We will have to see how it plays out in the near future when the dead rise to walk through the deserted streets of what used to be great cities.
In the meantime, take the necessary precautions for the zombie apocalypse right now. Stockpile food, weapons, and ammunition, and learn the necessary survival skills to make sure that a zombie will not be sinking it's teeth into your tender flesh when the invasion comes. Your survival is entirely up to you.